September 10, 2009

It's All About Control!

Wow! The emails are coming in so fast I can barely keep up. I just want to say a quick thank you to Phil for all the free publicity! Did you ever wonder what living in a socialist country might feel like? Here’s a glimpse below. And remember, if you know of anyone harboring Jews, er, uh, I mean writing anything you think we wouldn’t like, call the propaganda minister immediately!

Disdains Meretriciousness,

Thank you for the service you are providing. I had been thinking of something similar for quite sometime. Kudos to you for beating me to it! I look forward to having discussions about this subject and providing material (such as what is written below) for your excellent blog.

Colonel Nathan R. Jessep USMC


As an MTSA alum, I received an email this week from Phil Hunt concerning this blog. See below.

"Dear Alumnus,

Several of you are already aware of a blog that was recently created and posted that does not have the blessing of MTSA, but is in reality very negative about our School. If any of you happen to be invited to view this blog, please be aware that it was not posted by anyone from MTSA. I would appreciate you calling or emailing me if you receive any phone calls or are invited to view this blog. Emails from Ikey DeVasher at are valid. Any other emails that are similar, but not exactly the same as listed in this email, are NOT from Ikey or MTSA.

I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your commitment to and support of our School. Please continue to remember the School in your prayers.

Yours in His service,

L. Phil Hunt, EdD MTSA President"

Let's take another look at one of the sentences. "I would appreciate you calling or emailing me if you receive any phone calls or are invited to view this blog." After I read it, the thought struck me: where have I seen something like this before? It took a couple of minutes but then it came to me. Just in the past few weeks a similar plea for information was introduced at our highest level of government.

See the site below:

“There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to”

Interesting terminology used here. "There is a lot of disinformation . . . out there". "If you get an email or see something on the web . . . that seems fishy," "Since we can’t keep track of all of them . . . we’re asking for your help." Well I'm just a simpleton from the south, but I see a similarity between Dr. Hunt asking for people to contact him about viewing this blog and the current administration asking for people to send "disinformation" to an email address with the word FLAG as the primary component of said address. I know if I were establishing a snitch line (and make no mistake, it is a snitch line), I would probably come up with an email address that didn't signify that I was marking certain people with opposing views with a FLAG. But that's just me. What the hell do I know anyway, I was educated at MTSA for God's sake.

But the main question to ask ourselves is why would the White House or old Phil want to be contacted about "disinformation?" That is probably the easiest question to answer. We all know why. Control. And one thing MTSA has had for decades is control. Control of their image. It is basic human nature to want to always be portrayed in the best light. But they now have encountered something they cannot control. Thank Gaia for Al Gore and his internets.

One more point about Dr. Hunt's email. In it he mentioned that the blog was ". . . in reality very negative about our School." Notice that nowhere in his email did he state that what is contained in the blog is not true. Interesting. Very, very interesting. Until next time I will leave you with a quote from author Aldous Huxley:

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad."

Semper Fidelis,

Colonel Nathan R. Jessep,USMC

1 comment:

  1. WOW! negative most definetly does not mean untrue...nice post. The Alumni is watching...and waiting.
